Welcome to Krokek, Kolmarden

The weather station in use is the Oregon Scientific wmr200, and these pages are updated every 15 minutes.
The meteorological day used at this station ends at midnight. With problem look at systempage Here.

Forecast : Partly Cloudy

Conditions at local time 08:15 on 13 juli 2024
Temperature and humidity
Temperature 19,5 °C Humidity 81%
Apparent Temperature 21,3 °C Last hour variation +1,2 °C
Wet thermometer 17,4 °C Last 3 hours variation +1,7 °C
Average Temperature 15,4 °C Dew point 16,2 °C
Windchill 18,0 °C Chill hours 4358,7
Cloud base 417 m Is sun up?
Rainfall rate 0,0 mm/hr Rainfall Today 0,0 mm
Rainfall Last Hour 0,0 mm Rainfall This Month 0,0 mm
Rainfall since midnight 0,0 mm Rainfall This Year 0,0 mm
Rainfall last 24h 0,0 mm Last rainfall ( ) 2022-11-23 13:07
Current wind speed 1 m/s Wind direction W
Wind Speed (gust) 1 m/s Wind bearing 270
Wind speed (avg) 0 m/s Wind bearing (avg) 270° W
Wind bearing range from 000° (270° ) Wind bearing range to 000° (270° )
Beaufort scale F1 Light air -
Barometer 1010,0 hPa Altimeter pressure 1024,8 hPa
Pressure trend 0,0 hPa/hr Steady
Sun and Moon
Sunrise 04:07 Sunset 21:52
Dawn 02:57 Dusk 23:01
Moonrise 13:14 Moonset 23:33
Day length 17:45 Length of daylight 20:04
Moon age length 6 days
Our location
Latitude N 58° 40' 00" Longitude E 16° 22' 59"
Altitude 125 m

Update : 2024-07-13 08:15:00
Powered by Cumulus v1.9.3 (1059)

Local Time


Kolmarden, Sweden


Temperature : 19,5°C
Humidity : 81%
Wind speed : 0 m/s
Direction : W

lördag, 13 juli 2024

Last read at 8:15


Forecast icon

Forecast image
(next 12 hours)

Moon phase

Forecast icon

Phase : Waxing Crescent
Visible at 44%