Yesterday's data

This page shows a summary of the data for the 24 hrs up to midnight local time.
Temperature and humidity
High Temperature 28,5 °C at 15:48
Low Temperature 15,6 °C at 23:54
Average Temperature 21,1 °C  
Temperature Range 12,9 °C  
High Apparent Temperature 29,3 °C at 15:48
Low Apparent Temperature 16,1 °C at 23:54
High Heat Index 28,4 °C at 15:48
Low Wind Chill 16,9 °C at 03:23
Maximum dew point 17,7 °C at 08:50
Minimum dew point 10,7 °C at 19:13
High Humidity 93 % at 03:23
Low Humidity 38 % at 16:19
Heat degree days 0,4  
Cool degree days 3,2  
Rainfall for yesterday 0,0 mm  
Maximum rain rate 0,0 mm/hr at 00:00
High Hourly Rainfall 0,0 mm at 00:00
Highest Gust 5 m/s at 11:38
Highest Speed (10 minute average) 2 m/s (F2) at 11:49
Wind bearing 292°  
Dominant Direction 264° W  
Wind Run 65,7 km  
Beaufort scale F2 Light breeze
Pressure (sea level)
High Pressure 1012,0 hPa at 18:57
Low Pressure 1010,0 hPa at 00:00

Update : 2024-07-13 08:15:00
Powered by Cumulus v1.9.3 (1059)