Supervision screen
Latest infos
Zikkes weather in Kolmarden, Sweden
Last update : 26 dec 2024, à 14:15:06
Last error date : ------
System status at 14h15
Pc uptime | 166 days 6 hours |
Cumulus up | 1 day 11 hours |
Disk space | 116,86 GB free of 125,03 GB |
RAM status | 2760/3327 MB (free/total) |
Allocated to Cumulus | 24,93 MB |
System configuration
O/S Version | Windows XP Service Pack 2 build 2600 |
Language | |
CPU type | Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU 330 @ 1.60GHz |
Nb of core | 2 |
video mode | 3440x1440, 16 bit |
Station status
Station: | Zikkes weather in Kolmarden, Sweden | |
Type : | Oregon Scientific wmr200 | |
Online : | Since 4 februari 2013 | |
Console err. | ||
Comm. error | ||
Batteries |
NOAA Reports
Last monthly report
Last annual report
Low temperature | |
High temperature | |
Temperature increase | |
Temperature decrease | |
Low pressure | |
High pressure | |
Pressure increase | |
Pressure decrease | |
High rain today | |
High rainfall rate | |
High wind gust | |
High wind speed |
Record temperature
Highest Temperature | |
Lowest Temperature | |
Highest Minimum | |
Lowest Maximum | |
Highest Apparent Temperature | |
Lowest Apparent Temperature | |
Highest Heat Index | |
Highest Dew Point | |
Lowest Dew Point | |
Lowest Wind Chill | |
Largest Daily Range | |
Smallest Daily Range |
Other records
Highest Pressure | |
Lowest Pressure | |
Highest Wind Gust | |
Highest Wind Speed | |
Highest Wind Run | |
Highest Humidity | |
Lowest Humidity | |
Highest Rain Rate | |
Highest Hourly Rainfall | |
Highest Daily Rainfall | |
Highest Monthly Rainfall | |
Longest Wet Period | |
Longest Dry Period |
Update : 2024-12-26 14:15:06
Powered by Cumulus v1.9.3 (1059)